Contrary to popular belief, you can dye your hair if it is fine. However, there are many steps that you will have to take to do it prop...
Cary Hair Stylist
Our Cary Hair Stylist Explains Why You Should Never Cut Your Own Hair
If you’ve vowed to be more budget-conscious this year, you may have found yourself glancing at the mirror and wondering: Can’t I just c...
Considering Getting an Undercut? Here’s What You Need to Know
Ah, the undercut. Once an edgy, “out-there” trend limited strictly to skateboarders and art students, this unique style has risen throu...
Our Cary Hair Colorist Shares The Biggest Hair Color Trends for 2020
If you’re ready to kick off 2020 with a bang, a hair-color change might be just the thing to shake up your style and celebrate the seas...
A Quick Guide to Hair Extensions, from Our Cary Hair Stylist
The red carpet has a secret: Hair extensions. How else do you think celebrities go from a chic bob to mermaid-esque waves overnight? Ce...
Our Cary Hair Stylist Explains What Causes Dandruff and How to Get Rid of It
‘Tis the season for icicles and snowflakes—but if there are scalp flakes decorating your head and shoulders, you’re probably wondering ...
Cary NC Hair Stylist Shares the Best Ways to Prevent Split Ends
First things first: The only way to get rid of split ends is snipping them off. With that said, there are many ways you can prevent spl...
What is a Hair Gloss Treatment? Ask Our Cary Hairdresser
Hair gloss treatments are one of the most beneficial services we offer at our Cary hair salon, but clients often express confusion abou...
Hair Color Trend: Lavender Gray
In terms of modern hair trends, we’ve seen opal hair, ombre hair, and full-on platinum silver. Now, the latest hair color to rock the r...
Healthy Hair Starts at the Roots – Scalp Care Tips from a Cary Hairdresser
Why not love your scalp? If you want healthy, beautiful hair then it needs to be rooted in a clean and hydrated scalp. Below are five t...